(Picture: http://www.layoutsparks.com)

Burning to my core
Stealing my precious
Luminescence & more

Depression my sentence
I’ve paid all my dues
It’s time to extinguish you

Black smoldering abyss
All consuming
Impeding doom looming

Paid, you…. I had thought
Yet, there is no final cost?
Revolving account; it is not?

Sold my soul for a simple wish
A time in need; as a child indeed
Answer now to my selfish greed

Tears to bleed my soul
Mental anguish to take hold
Emotions unbearable to control

Dues, the God’s foretold
Before it was your soul to sell
Now, you will continuously
burn in hell~

Wish me well…..

~*~Riding the Storm~*~*

Walking along the shore
Surging beside me
A turbulent sea
Wind hissing to a gentle breeze

Eye of the storm has come again
Frightful because I see,
The impeding end

Seducing me beyond my wishes
Billowing past any form of shame
Passionate attainable kisses
No guilt to ever proclaim

Gossamer clinging to my bosoms
As the breeze picks up momentum
Weaves into my lusciously long locks
Brushing away my worrisome thoughts

In the breeze, I cradled my soul
Giving over all known control
Patience for passion; I forebode
Upon the storm, I rode

Life in Jagg’es

Life in Jagg’es

She once sat upon a throne
Her house was her home
Everything, she once did own

A fatal act against her character
Deemed a fate for her to retract
She, No longer his submissive door mat

Bridges burned; roads forked
Paths of the un-sung
Evoked emotions; uncorked

Through errs of manipulated love
A hollow heart was birthed
By no one listening to her

Singing a single sweet song
At the end of each psalm
She genuflects & carries along……

Even thought she’ll always feel to never belong.

Wishing You Well; My Dear ______

Distorted views by you
Happenings totally confused
Ideas immensely misconstrued

Faith of the color-blind
There is no more reason
There is no more rhyme

It was as it is signed
The blood erased on the dotted line
A soul caged by past-time

Thrashing against the rage
Trying to contain, sane
Mistakes build throughout age

Pay to atone for the doomed
Light a red candle awfully soon
Releasing those of solemn gloom

Death once begged & plead
Behind the closed door-ed scenes
Never to far for me to conceive

The loss of the days
Tears storming 
Bleeding, so much dismay

A pricey cost
Time you took from me
20 yrs; totally lost

I can’t conceive what I let you do to me
Good-bye…I’ve bled my last tear
I’ve struggled w/the last of the arrears

You, I no longer hold in my heart…

I have always considered myself an “odd bird.”

A serious ramble of an unsettled mind……


Throughout the years, my form of expression has continued to evolve; once it was drawing followed by blogging that turned into poems that were filled w/stories that changed back into words that became written and sometimes spoken. As w /my forms of expression, I too have changed/evolved over the many years. I have experienced life more in the past 6 yrs than I had my whole life.

My age climbs to 41 and the realization of how little I truly know makes more sense to me now. I, like many others, have had a less than rosy upbringing. I believe the phrase “dysfunctional family” was coined in the 70’s. If not, it should have been! My father succeeded in providing for his family. There is always a positive line to every squiggle. I do not like to delve into my ’childhood past’ so much. The nightmares are enough.

I digress; my point was to clearly say that I have been there and not quite back, yet. I have learned enough to know that I truly know nothing. What I do know is that….I have struggled my whole life w/manic depression. As far back as I can recall; I have never felt “right.” Never have I felt to truly belong. With the extremely low self-esteem, I made some bad choices on whom to keep in my life and who to further limit my time around. It took me 30 yrs to figure out that I would need to eliminate some people from my “circle” in order to grow in a direction that is conducive to a more positive life style. It is a ‘dog eat dog
world’ and that’s why it is that much more important to surround yourself with people that you love & return the love. This is an ice-cold society but is slowly becoming more aware.

I do not carry many wishes or dreams. I only carry valid hope (which requires no validation) to situations that hold dear to my heart and their convictions. Some can mistake me for being weak but I like to consider myself a little hypersensitive to that which is around me vs. that which is at the end of my nose. With that being said; superficial, as you can tell, has no place in my life. I do not have a sad life having few dreams or wishes….I am realistic with my disorders and my life.

In closing, I’d like to share one of my true wishes, which would be to reach into your soul and let you experience what it is I see through these eyes of mine, feel a little of what this heart encounters, as well as the twists & turns of this mind. I am not anyone special or, even for that matter; unique…I am an individual willing to share what it is I “keep.”

Merry Monday to you~~

Thank you for reading this ramble of mine….I do this occasionally 😉

Sleep Tight

Searing further in her sights
A beautiful right to his devilish delights
Interlocking in a lovers hold; melting all control
Contemplation, nil, of what’s wrong from right
Instead figuring on doing it all night

As the sweetness rises
Kisses multiply to heighten
Thoughts shrink to miniscule sizes
As physical fulfillment is enlightened

Panting to pleasure
Exhausted, they collapse
Energy totally zapped
Ready for a cat nap

The constant thundering’ of songs
In the middle of the darkest nights
Longing for his arms to squeeze her tight
He leans in and ….gently whispers,

“Everything will be all right,”

Gently he kisses you Good Night~



An innocents blooming
Stunted at the start
Physically ripped apart
Cocooning from the grooming

Poison surging through her veins
Every time the blows had came
All the anger & pure distain
Her quiet pleas to not be seen

Countless hours
Alone she wept
Thoughts of ill content
Wishing for other events

A God that mocked her
Every Sunday morn’
Giving him praise
Acting as if a norm’

Blind eye besought by many
How quickly she learned not to trust any
Frightened by life of those who loved
Scared of those who could have shared

A time away from the hurtful hands
Her mind to manage her twisted madness
Into her thoughts, she crawled
That much further


Just a suiting read for me right now….

I, Rose, Amongst thorns

Here I sit
I shit you not
Writing these words
Hiding not near a lot
My patience thin
My heart weakened
Tears streaming w/in
Needing my soul to mend
The pain from pressure
That I subsequently feel
Intolerable thoughts; un-appeal
Things no longer seem real
Trickling down my poisoned mind
Searing negative thoughts of mine
Disrupting my very own time line
Making me want to go in rewind
A stroke to my hair w/care
Smudged mascara stains my cheeks
Riding the rollercoaster of manic depression
As easily as it is for the deaf to speak
Here I sit
I shit you not
Writing these words
Hiding not near

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~*~My Life Alone~*~

Feelings ever so under-toned
Alone, be it lonely or not
It’s a feeling gripping my soul
A strangling hold; I’m caught

The flow as it reappears
Dripping down the tears
Bleeding out the fears
Cheeks latent w/smears

Cascading down the slope
Choking, up in a puff of smoke
Trying to grab onto some hope
Laughing at the big fat joke

~My Life Alone~



~*~Know when to stop~*~

Bombarded by many a thoughts
Yearning for freedom to make it stop
Mind fixated on reasoning
Thoughts, feeling all lost
A blackness, one is to escape
Into the madness of waste
Pledge to never do it, again
Time is here and now to stop
No matter the intensity of the
Into the world venturing more
Never knowing what’s in store
Pushing your limit’s a lot
Practicing to purge your pain
Washing away your distain
Needing to regain;