Why Hide?

a reminder

I, Rose, Amongst thorns

It’s 4am (4:01 to be exact)

I confess, I sit here and ponder all the negativity in my life. That to which I create and what those around me create.  I can say, at this moment, I have no negativity in my life except for what my mind creates.  I have no ‘outter’ influences to cause me “pain” — afterall, isn’t drama (=negativity) just another form of pain?

I can not nor willingly accept those around me that choose to live in that constant choas and double talk (also known as talking behind someone’s back). I really do, as poorly as it sounds, rebuke those that want to cause that type of pain/drama/negativity in my life.  Some don’t realize or choosenot to see the drama and negativity that they keep force feeding those around them.

Let me get to the meat of why I’m even writing this morning,


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