
Was it all obscured?
Where did it all fall wrong?
When did the words feel not to belong?
Fallen into the mouths of those not heard?

Here, here to all unsung heroes?
Ones to which suffered in silent pivotal pain?
Trying nothing more than to stay “sane” amongst such disdain?
Who was the one to make up such sick odds to this twisted game?

I want off this “god forsaken” rewind
I don’t want to take any more of both ‘our’ times
It is by far, nothing like now as time to bow out and to know
Many a line, to which, have surpassed the many thoughts & now lost

Consciousness has most all but a total rott
Drifting in a land of virtually, only, one’s after thoughts
Into the depths of an abyss which the bottom is only a thought; taught
A labrynth with no guard at the gate nor a riddle for one’s thoughts; contemplate

Everything feeling so ….,

Forge through time
Verses, but many lines
Into each; a subject of unheard
Most conceive to disbelieve; absurd
-The unwritten word-

??~What is it you read~??

One thought on “wOrdS

  1. Your words have left a history,
    Unspoken, not a mystery.
    Truly, some are misconstrued,
    Not meant as cruel, or even rude.

    Tangled, sometimes, yes, it’s true
    The truth has bubbled up from you,
    Thoughts that sometimes come, unbidden,
    Feelings now are left unhidden.

    What did I read? In between each line,
    A soul still hurting, a life defined.
    Read them again, the words you wrote,
    And ask YOURSELF, and here I quote:
    “What did YOU read?”

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