~~She left me~~

She left me

Ramblings from a muse
Words get twisted & a skewed
Thoughts to be quickly used
The melancholy muse
It was she who got used
Tampered & abused
Never able to openly choose
Madness in-between the lines
Sadness falling by the waste side
Flowing fingers w/no mind
Subjective to the environment
Wondering the reason to the rhyme
Fading from time in your space
Upheaval of your mental state
Feelings take their place


Dampened papers
Smeared lead
Tears shed
As your muse walks on ahead

2 thoughts on “~~She left me~~

  1. I guess I can’t swallow the thought of a muse being abused. To be inspirational to a writer generally means that they bring out the best feelings and thoughts….a situation where abuse would destroy the light that engenders those good feelings and thoughts. I’d also expect that, should a writer abuse the muse, there’d be no tears shed should the muse leave because there would unlikely be any true inspiration or love. (However, if there WAS abuse to the muse, and she left, HURRAH!

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